“ EMD is committed to the exploration and mining sector in Indonesia that benefits all stakeholders through best technical practices with respect to social and environmental issues and in accordance with national policies.”
EMD Indonesia is a non-profit association of domestic and foreign-owned exploration and mining companies active in Indonesia.
Its main objective is to advance the exploration and mining industry throughout Indonesia and to bring together new companies to companies and industry players who have been active for a long time.
Mineral resources in Indonesia have been depleted at an alarming rate and new resources have not been found to install them due to the low level of search and discovery of new land.
EMD is working actively with other industry organizations and professional institutions in the minerals sector to address this situation.
The focus is to encourage exploration and mining sector entrepreneurs to invest in Indonesia and to help develop policies and regulations that will make financing exploration projects more attractive to investors.
The Main Goal of EMD
Promote the mineral sector in Indonesia in a socially, politically, environmentally and commercially responsible manner.
Attract investment in finding new resources in Indonesia.
Assist the Indonesian government in developing attractive mineral policies.
Building relationships between prospecting, exploration and mining companies and other stakeholders in Indonesia.
Communicating the positive benefits of the mining sector to the Indonesian people.